WEMAAA is India’s first world-class CSR conference. This is mainly due to the self-reliance of Agathiyar Mamuni’s Agathiyam, which contains the ancient formulas of the continent of Lemoria 12000 years ago, living in harmony with nature by adopting the economy of bees and colorful insects and without any impact on the welfare of the people due to scientific development,
mechanization, modernization and other technological structures and activities. A seminar to re-examine and implement the sutras that have been given to act without causing any harm to nature / environment, agriculture, public welfare and health. The conference will explain these to the farmers, farmers, NGOs, public, government, private company employees and officials in the current difficult situation and determine the various projects that should be implemented in India in the next 20 years, thereby the next 1000 years. To ensure a happy, disease-free and sustainable food production for our future generations, focus on resource-poor rural integrated agricultural development, reinvigorate the need for a barter system, sustain a self-reliant circular economy, and become a force for good and a transformative festival to bring unity back to rural areas. This WEMAAA 2022 festival will take place.
Not only that, it is a conference that welcomes farmers, women, educators, scientists concerned with people’s welfare, good politicians, enlightened general public, vigorous young society, consumers, agricultural companies, voluntary organizations and young scientists for a positive change in the safe global welfare.
It is jointly organized by Sangaams International and Indian Organic Farmers Association (IOFA). Also, SEEPF and SCSF have extended a helping hand to them. Devan and Dr. Subramanian Murugesan have made excellent arrangements with the help of their colleagues. Sangama International is an international NGO. IOFA is a farmer and consumer welfare organization that integrates organic farmers across India. This CSR WEMAAA 2022 conference is going to be held for the first time in Chennai on the nineteenth of July 2022 (19-7-2022) at the Kalaiwanar Arangam in Chennai from 6 pm to 9 pm to make India proud. 350 farm companies, 350 NGOs, more than 100 pioneer farmers, more than 100 senior government officials and general public are participating. Funds are given to 10 to 12 NGOs during this program for Prapanja Forestry and Agro Clinic.
According to the Agathiyar Sutra Prakaram, the most important triad for the prosperity of the people and a country is integrated agriculture, integrated medicine (maintenance of health), environmental protection, which is necessary for monarchs who conduct virtuous rule. These things have changed way in the last 260 years, and the ethical failure is now very difficult for the human race to survive. Not only that, Mahans, Maharishis, sages, scientists and sages have accurately predicted that the next 20 years will be a challenging era. Corporate organizations, NGOs, common people, farmers, consumers, officials, rulers and the younger generation will come together in the next 20 years to correct this. We are at the moment of designing and implementing useful programs for the country and the people in the best way possible. According to it, corporate social responsibility through shared funding can address global geographic changes, famines, food shortages through resource-poor agriculture, protect the environment, preserve public assets, create a healthy society in the face of disease, call for better technology, mechanized scientific inventions, and more. Providing financial assistance to 12 important sectors for new innovations is a major feature of this conference.
The conference will pave the way for progress through a social responsibility program known as CSR program with emphasis on agriculture, environment and health. Invitations have been released for advertisers and dealers to attend this WEMAAA 2022 conference. The conference will cover five topics and will be presented.
1. Triangle of success
2. Triangle of continued services
3. Triangle of self sustained village economy
4. Triangle of Ancient value systems
5. Triangle of carbon sequestration and corporate social responsibility including carbon trading and corporate responsibility.
Along with this, the tradition of India from the last 5000 years, how it was destroyed, its ways of destruction, how to recover it, the history of destruction of cattle, useless education (Macaulay) will be guided by this conference.
Opinions that India is the world’s leading economy will be shared with sources and special notes.
After 5000 years, our people and rulers have changed their ways and the problems of our nation and the ways to correct it will be the main features of this conference.
Along with this, to implement Great Ideas on a large scale (Great Ideas must become a transforming movement), the experience of the elderly or elders, the knowledge of the younger community, and the methods of integrating physical labor, and especially for projects related to the agricultural sector, medical sector (health), and the environment, which solve 90 percent of the problems. A lot of importance will be given in this conference. Also, the disadvantages of chemical fertilizers that plague the world, the dangers of biodiversity, soil carbon and soil organic matter, micro organisms, beneficial biofertilizers, important aspects of agricultural inputs such as seeds, methods of preventing post-harvest damage, value addition of agricultural products, marketing etc. Attention will be given.
The event is coordinated by Sangaams International NGO, and Indian Organic Farms Association (IOFA) in India to raise funds for medical infrastructure, sports, women’s skill development, urban and rural e-technology sharing, animal welfare, innovation, environmental protection. As an organization with more than 12 years of experience in more than twelve fields, including project, international cooperation and understanding in new agricultural training, development in teaching and learning, education…, they bring together a large number of individual talents, scientists, NGOs, pioneer farmers, corporate from international countries in the conference. Institutions etc. have expressed willingness and consent to participate.
Our mission is to bridge the gap between business, project, and results, and work with leaders and personalities around the world to leverage their knowledge, experience, and skills in a new way of understanding, cooperation, and communication.
Two types of project appraisals are introduced in this event namely Rs 45 lakh project and Rs 4 crore project. Sangamaas International and IOFA will continue to monitor and provide necessary support to the program participants while they are selected. For this, Sangamaas International CSR seeks funding from eligible organizations, for which IOFA integrates technologies, farmers and NGOs at the international level.
The conference will include a live discussion with young scientists, a list of achievements or services undertaken by each volunteer organization, etc. for visitors to see. Also, the awareness and necessity of this conference is being promoted on YouTube, Face book, Twitter, Instagram, etc. through social media, banner, electronic banner, video, etc., not only in Chennai but also throughout Tamil Nadu. And to know more details about this https://www.sangamaasfoundation.com/ Click on this website address.
Note: Individuals and NGOs are required to pay fees to attend this International Counter-Change Awareness Conference. Also, individuals and NGOs who wish to participate in the new innovation projects announced by Sangamaas International will also have to pay the appropriate fees. And click on this website address to know more information related to this.
In the end, this conference will prove that the only formula to make things happen in this world that have never happened before is through the Agathiyar Mamuni who came from the Naga dynasty (Shiva dynasty) 12000 years ago, and this conference will pave the way to implement this on a global scale. In addition to rediscovering 18000 Agathiyar slokas, conducting research in 12 important areas that will pave the way for developing and implementing action plans to promote people’s welfare and bring back a blissful lifestyle.