Madras Mylapore Round Table 3 (MMRT 3 ) & Madras Mylapore Ladies Circle 4 (MMLC 4 ) today organised a walk on the Round Table India and Ladies circle India equality day .An apt platform to showcase that we all are one.
Acid survivor’s, visually impaired people, associates of airport authorities, transgenders and members of Round Table India ( RTI) and Ladies Circle India walked the ramp for Equality. The event was held at the chennai Airport.
It was a platform open for all . The event started by greeting Apsara reddy ,followed by a musical performance by a team of visually impaired, it was one-of-its kind performance which was a visual treat to watch.
The team of visually impaired from hope home for blind overwhelmed the audience by peforming a mesmerising musical performance and they also walked the ramp accompanied by Mrs Saranya, founder of Hope Home for blind.
Mrs bobby, an acid survivor, her confidence was worth watching as she walked on the ramp. Her determination to overcome the stigma and have a dignified existence is just not not dented.She inspired all of us by walking the ramp.
Airport authorities staff and officers from different walks of life also walked the ramp.
In this unique programme transgender’s enthusiastically took part in ramp walk wearing traditional ornaments and dresses depicting their culture.
The members of Round Table India and Ladies Circle India walked the ramp.
The programme was organised by Round Table India and Ladies circle India to create awareness and generate positivity environment for all communities saying that we all our one!